Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Assignment 9 Max Dowden

3.) What causes Gene to attack Leper? The answer needs to involve a literal and figurative exploration of what occurs here (middle 145).

In the events leading up to Gene attacking Leper, Leper is describing exactly what a section eight discharge means, how it is given to soldiers who are no longer mentally fit for service. Leper is shouting by this point and gene says "there's nothing wrong with my hearing" (Knowles 44) to which Leper makes the cryptic response "Then that's tough shit for you Buster. Then they've got you." The conversation escalates, and Leper descends into a half crazed rant about how Gene is a savage when the chips are down. At this point, Gene kicks his chair, and Leper falls to the ground, still ranting. This conversation really shoves forward Gene's sensitivity to this topic, and his inner insecurities. Gene reacts so fiercely because he has been almost mentally repressing his actions at the tree, and Leper of all people thrusting it back into focus throws him off. The idea that through all the lies, and the storytelling, and Finny denying it, someone saw right through it all. And for that person to be Leper, someone Gene got closer and closer to in Finny's absence, it feels almost like a betrayal. Gene also reacts so violently because although Leper says it in a state of partial madness, Gene knows a lot of what he said rings true.

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